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Project name

Zsuzsi Flohr How I realized...? exhibition


Visual artist
Zsuzsi Flohr

Graphic Design: Pálhegyi Flóra

ZSK2028 Marom20 festival shows Zsuzsi Flohr How I realized...? exhibition that includes three programs: an opening event, a professional workshop, and a closing event

The exhibition's closing event is on the 14th of September between 5 pm and 7 pm. 

About the exhibition

 Partners and sponsors: Zukunftsfonds der Republik Österreich / Bundesministerium – Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport, Wien / Visegrad Scholarship at OSA and the Central European University / Tarbut / Joods Dutch Jewish Humanitarian Fund / JDC, Mozaik Zsidó Közösségi Hub / Paideia – The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden / Magyarországi Cionista Szövetség / ZSK – Zsidó Kultúra 2028