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Project name

Jom Kippur Halluciantion


Cserne Klára, Ausztrics Andrea


Yom Kippur - the scariest Jewish holiday. Or the coolest. The most mysterious. Repentance and repentance for all sins. All-day fasting, white clothes, sneakers. Anxiety, exaltation, excitement, boredom - a confusing mix of all these things.
Feel free to listen to this audio play whether you're Jewish or not. It is approximately 15 minutes long. It is recommended to buy headphones. When you reach the end, wait a while and try to observe how you feel. Maybe send some feedback to zsk2028@gmail.com.
The audio play can be listened to anytime after Tuesday 4 October 2022, at 2 pm by clicking on the link, it is not stream, not live, will not disappear, does not need to be done together at the same time, and is completely individual activity:
Audio Online in Hungarian

"This is a description and reworking of a waking dream or vision I had last Yom Kippur and therefore a very personal story. I feel a strong urge to share it with a wider audience - because it was a mystical and fantastic, spiritual and funny experience. " - Klára Cserne