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Online Hanukkah Festival


ZSK & Dor Hadas

The last series of programs of the year 2020 was the Hanukkah Festival, which lasted for 8 + 1 days and was jointly organized by ZSK and Dor Hadas. Starting on Thursday, December 10, 2020, every day from Friday to the following week, artists and curators were invited by ZSK to light a candle in their home that day, accompanied by a home concert from a musician in our community.
Although we can’t bring back the intimate, face-to-face togetherness, we’ve put most of the online events on our youtube channel, where you can watch a short version of the events.
Illustrations and graphics related to the events are the works of Zsófi Szemző and Flóra Pálhegyi.

Thursday, December 12
candle lighters: Cseh Viktor and Ausztrics Andi
musicians: Tóth Bernát Réka és Vázsonyi János

Friday, December 13
Special edition: donut baking with Jónás Vera

Saturday, December 14
candle lighters: Flohr Zsuzsi és Michael Miller

Sunday, December 15
candle lighter: Esteban De La Torre
musician: Kardos Dani

Monday, December 16
candle lighter: Cserna Klára
musician: Ágoston Béla

Tuesday, December 17
candle lighter: Félix Anikó és Don Tamás
musician: Móser Ádám

Wednesday, December 18
candle lighter: Szemző Zsófi
musician: Magyar Bori

Thursday, December 19
candle lighter: KissPál Szabolcs
musicians: Polnauer Flóra és Ágoston Béla

Friday, December 20
Special Edition: Learning with Rabbi David Lazar from Palm Springs in English